Man (35) Arrested For Testing His 10-Year-Old Daughter’s Virginity
A 35-year-old man from Nhlabithini Village 5 in Inyathi, Matabeleland North Province, has been arrested for allegedly inserting his finger into his 10-year-old daughter's private parts to test her virginity, reported NewsDay.
The man, whose identity is withheld to protect the victim, appeared before regional magistrate Joseph Mabeza and pleaded not guilty to aggravated indecent assault. He has been remanded in custody until January 30.
According to the prosecutor, the incident occurred on an unknown date. The accused returned home and instructed his daughter to prepare food.
He then asked her to accompany him to check on a woman they lived with and told her to sit on his lap.
It is further alleged that while on his lap, the man questioned whether the girl had engaged in any inappropriate acts with men, including sexual activity.
He allegedly inserted his finger into her private parts while asking if it was painful.
The girl eventually disclosed the abuse to her aunt, who reported the matter to the police, leading to the man's arrest.
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