Sengezo Tshabangu on Monday, 20 January, withdrew his Supreme Court appeal against a High Court judgment nullifying his changes to the CCC leadership structure in parliament.
The parties met at the Supreme Court on Monday to hear the appeal, but Tshabangu tendered a notice of withdrawal.
The reason for his withdrawal remains unclear, but the High Court's decision now stands.
The High Court recently ordered Tshabangu to stop the recalls, ruling he was in breach of an existing judgment.
This ruling followed an urgent application by Welshman Ncube, leader of another CCC faction, who argued that Tshabangu lacked the authority to reassign MPs.
Justice Neville Wamambo agreed with Ncube, stating that Tshabangu's decision to remove Lynette Karenyi-Kore, Sessel Zvidzai, and Edwin Mushoriwa from the parliamentary Committee on Standing Rules and Orders (CSRO) amounted to recalls.
The judge also ruled the position of opposition chief whip, to which Nonhlanhla Mlotshwa was appointed by Tshabangu, did not exist under Zimbabwe's constitution.
Following this development, the Ncube-led CCC announced on Monday that reshuffled members would return to their original positions.
In October 2023, a CCC faction, not the one led by Ncube, filed a court application arguing that Tshabangu was an imposter with no authority to make recalls. That case is pending.
Justice Tawanda Chitapi granted an order interdicting Tshabangu from making further recalls until the main matter's determination on his legal basis to initiate recalls. This order underpinned the present application by Ncube's faction.
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