A 10-year-old girl was attacked and injured by a lone buffalo at Foliot Farm in Hurungwe over the weekend.
The victim, a student at Moy Primary School, is recovering at Karoi District Hospital.
Her mother, Sarah Antonio, told NewsDay that the incident occurred while her daughter was herding cattle with her siblings. Said Antonio:
On Saturday, they left for cattle herding near our plot. There were four and she was attacked by the lone bull. She fell down where it trampled her. She narrowly escaped death. She was injured on her left ribs and cheek.
She said the buffalo later targeted the victim's older brother when he tried to intervene. Said Antonio:
He used logs to chase the buffalo away and it then left her and tried to chase after him. He ran away and injured his ankle in the process.
The buffalo has been around for some time now and it's a security threat to the community.
Tinashe Farawo, spokesperson for ZimParks, told NewsDay that rangers have been dispatched to track down the buffalo. He said:
I can confirm that a ten-year-old girl was gored by a buffalo. She was injured and our reaction teams are on the ground tracking down the problem animal with the view of eliminating it. They are also making assessments on how the bull attacked the girl.
Farawo expressed concern over the increase in human-wildlife conflict reports, saying that these attacks have caused fatalities and serious injuries.
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