Trump Orders U.S. To Withdraw From The World Health Organisation
President Donald Trump announced on Monday that the U.S. is withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Trump has long criticized the United Nations health agency. During his first term, his administration began the withdrawal from the WHO in July 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic spread.
However, four years ago, then-President Joe Biden halted the exit in one of his first actions after taking office.
Trump cited WHO's alleged mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, its failure to adopt needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from political influence as reasons for the withdrawal.
He believes the U.S. was paying too much money to the organization compared to other countries.
In 2020, Trump accused the WHO of aiding China in allegedly covering up the origins of COVID-19 and allowing its spread.
In an interview with CNN on Monday, Dr Ashish Jha, who served as White House COVID-19 response coordinator during the Biden administration, called Trump’s decision to withdraw from the WHO in his second term a “strategic error.” He said:
WHO is a pretty essential organization — and with America’s withdrawal, it creates a political vacuum that only one country can fill — and that is China.
Jha predicted that China will step up for the organization in the absence of U.S. funding and leadership, which could give China more political influence globally.
He warned that withdrawing from the WHO weakens the organization, as it relies heavily on U.S. staff and expertise, particularly in tracking global influenza.
Trump’s executive action calls on the secretary of state and the director of the Office of Management and Budget to “pause the future transfer of any United States Government funds, support, or resources” for the WHO.
However, it takes a year to fully withdraw from the body, and the U.S. should continue funding it for that period.
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